Email marketing is widely used by companies because it is less expensive and promotes products easily whether it’s your sponsor's products and services or your own. It is considered powerful and effective way of marketing.
Your email marketing will begin with your opt-in list by offering a free newsletter about your industry to your website visitors. To gather names and email addresses of your subscribers, place a subscription box on your website. You can also be extra careful and make this a double opt-in where the subscriber must confirm their subscription before they join your list.
Once you have built a good sized list, you can place small ads for your product in your newsletter and can even start an announcement list for those who are looking for new products, tools and opportunities.
Forms of Email Marketing:
• Newsletter (Free) - will have a couple of ads, as mentioned above.
• Information Please Mailer - can help you close many sales. You have a link on your website, or in your publication, for readers to click on if they need more information. The mailer will be a sequence of emails that give more information about the product and a call to action at the end. These are very effective in closing sales and getting the click through to your sponsor's site.
• Special Announcements – to be sent to your entire list which may contain new products and services that will meet the needs of your visitors?
2 Tools You Need:
• An Auto Responder
• Email Signature File
Can Spam Act: It is very significant to follow Can Spam Act when sending email. Always provide your name, company name and physical address at the bottom of your email. It is very important to provide an opt-out or unsubscribe link at the end of your email.
Spam Filters: Always Spam check your email messages before you send them out. Spam filters avoid spam emails to get into the visitors’ inbox.
Email marketing is instant and easy to track. In addition, emails arrive in a few seconds or minutes and over half of Internet users check or send email everyday, which makes email marketing very effective. Check out MoreNiche Affiliate Program to know more guides and resources for making money online.